From Katz (1964).
-- "A common measure of productivity is the amount of work turned out by the individual or by the group carrying out their assigned tasks. Quality of performance is not as easily measured and the problem is met by quality controls which set minimal standards for the pieces of work sampled." (p. 132).
-- He gives examples (e.g. nurse, teacher, factory worker) of people knowing the their major roles. "To do a lot of it and to do it well are, then, the most conspicuous behavioral requirements of the organization" (p. 132).
From Katz (1964).
-- "A common measure of productivity is the amount of work turned out by the individual or by the group carrying out their assigned tasks. Quality of performance is not as easily measured and the problem is met by quality controls which set minimal standards for the pieces of work sampled." (p. 132).
-- He gives examples (e.g. nurse, teacher, factory worker) of people knowing the their major roles. "To do a lot of it and to do it well are, then, the most conspicuous behavioral requirements of the organization" (p. 132).